L.K.M Designs takes your image and with description can place any product from any retailer, that will show you the basic look of the product (s) in your room.
You send us the image and basic information on what you wanted to change.
Basic Placement Service - start at $35 a photo image. We do not supply information on how to obtain the product just visual image of what it would look like in your room.
This can be a product you have already have or refurbished item with photo you are wondering about.
Full Placement Service - starts at $50 based on number of images and products placement. We give you pricing, product number from retailer with link for all images used as it is listed to obtain the look you desire. Limited 10 photo image placements on original image.
This is normally a product you are looking to purchase from a idea to enhance your home.
This falls under Visual Image Product Placement Service by L.K.M Designs. The goal was to make the kitchen larger then it is now and she wanted to move the refrigerator by the sliding door on the left . Using three different pictures from the room to create the lengthen room image. I graphically placed the cupboards, dishwasher and refrigerator to the other side. Then added a larger window to the back wall to bring in more light and create the effect of a more open room. She can paint it any color to match her decor and gave a sample of blue walls with painting the door white to enhance a more open feel. This type of project Visual Image Product placement runs around $50 to $100 for our service based on what is needed to be added or removed to create the desired look. Let us help you with your next project!
All images are based off client request on changes. Product pricing and placement from images used for restoration are found online from different retailer and / or given by each client. We do not assist or provide in obtaining or purchasing products nor with any manual labor on projects. L.K.M Designs is not affiliated with any retailer and find products based from ecommerce site to help you.
We are solely a visual guide in the forms of graphic image placement to help give your idea a image.
Thank you for visiting!
Our website and mobile site are under construction as more information and images are added.
Please check back at a later date. Enjoy your day!